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A  study  to  assess  the  level  of  anxiety  and  coping  strategies among  parents  of under-five hospitalized  children  in  selected  hospitals  of  Bijapur  District

Volume No : Volume: 02 Issue : 9 Year : 2014 Page No: 497-505

Authors : Narayan K. Ghorpade

Abstract :

Stress is the reaction of the mind and body to change. It is equated with tension, anxiety, worry and pressure in human life. Stress is a response to an environmental demand. The equilibrium is hampered when an individual’s undergoes crisis. Individual develop unique patterns of coping strategies that reflect even within the constant change in behaviors over time and place. When an individual is unable to cope with the crisis, he gets affected physically, psychologically and socially. Objectives of this study is to assess the level of anxiety and coping strategies among parents of under-five hospitalized children and further to Find out an association between level of anxiety and coping strategies with selected demographic variables parents of under-five hospitalized children. The study assumes that: parents of under five hospitalized children may have some anxiety and coping strategies. The descriptive survey approach was used to assess the level of anxiety and coping strategies. The convenient sampling technique was used to collect data for the study. The sample consists of 60 parents of under five hospitalized children at selected hospitals of Bijapur District, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. The data collection tool used for the study was structured interview schedule. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. At the end Results of present study revealed that the maximum numbers of subjects 66% were having moderate anxiety and 67% of the subjects were using moderate coping strategies. The association of demographic variables with parents’ anxiety level and parents coping strategies found there was significant association between them.

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