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Study of the Risk Factors on the Patients with Kidney Disorders at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia

Volume No : Volume: 01 Issue : 1 Year : 2013 Page No: 39-43

Authors : Afnita wulandari, Armenia, Syed Wasif Gillani

Abstract :

Background: Now days, many people hospitalized due to kidney disorder with high morbidity and mortality, especially in the developing countries. The most common risk for kidney disease is diabetes and hypertension. Other risk factors are glomerulonephritis (nephritis), polycystic kidney disease, urinary tract obstruction, reflux nephropathy, and drug or medication-induced kidney problem. Objectives: This paper described the risk factor of patients with kidney disorder in Hospital University Sains Malaysia. Methodology: The research was conducted using longitudinal study design and clinical prospective method on all adult patients with kidney disorder at the Hospital University Sains Malaysia during the period of April and May 2012. Data was analysis using OR analysis. Result: From the 29 males and 9 females with the mean age of 57.40±15.586 year and 47.80±8.189. The most common risk factor of patient with kidney disorder at the Hospital University Sains Malaysia was Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Autoimmune and Smoking. Base on gender, female with diabetes mellitus and autoimmune tend to suffer from kidney disease compare to male patients (OR=0.421 and OR=0.923) respectively. On the other side, male with hypertension and smoking tend to suffer from kidney disease compare to female patients (OR=1.571 and OR=1.038) respectively.

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