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Current status of vitamin-D deficiency in India

Volume No : Volume: 02 Issue : 7 Year : 2014 Page No: 328-335

Authors : Urvashi Mehlawat, Priyanka Singh, Shubhra Pande

Abstract :

Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) is a major health problem in both the developed and developing countries across the globe. In India, despite of ample sunlight (required for the synthesis of vitamin D endogenously), VDD prevalence has been documented to be in range of 50-90% among all the age groups. Scientific evidence reveals that, in addition to skeletal disorders, Vitamin D is also associated with the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus etc. The factors responsible for VDD can be skin complexion, poor sunlight exposure, vegetarian food habits and lower intake of Vitamin D fortified foods. Adequate sunlight exposure and intake of foods rich in vitamin D along with fortification of foods with vitamin D can prove helpful to prevent VDD.

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