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Prevention of Fe2+ induced lipid peroxidation by aqueous extract of Garcina Kola leaf in some rat tissues

Volume No : Volume: 01 Issue : 2 Year : 2013 Page No: 128-132

Authors : O.I. Oloyede, O. Durojaiye, O.B. Adewale

Abstract :

Cell injury in aerobic organism subjected to oxidative stress has been caused by lipid peroxidation. The ability of aqueous extract of Garcina kola leaf (3.3-33.3μg/ml) to prevent 60μM Fe2+ induced lipid peroxidation in rat liver and brain were assessed respectively using TBARS (Thiobarbituric acid reactive species. Fe2+- chelating ability of the extract was also determined. The result of the study revealed that incubating the liver and brain in the presence of iron exhibited high percentage inhibition against thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) induced by iron (ii) sulphate (60μM) with IC50 value of 72.58±29.16μg/ml and 89.36μg/ml respectively, while the extract shows strong iron chelating ability of 79.93% at concentration (2.3μg/ml) with an EC value of 62.0μg/ml. The inhibitory effect of aqueous extract of Garcinia kola shown in TBARS and Iron chelation assays were concentration dependent. The results however suggest that Garcinia kola is beneficial in the treatment of various cellular damages due to its ability to reduce lipid peroxidation.

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