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 Anatomicalarchitecture and molecular study of skin immune system: A brief review

Volume No : (2022) Volume: 10 Issue : 46 Year : 2022 Page No: 46

Authors : Sagar N. Ande , Achal S. Khade , Ravindra L. Bakal , Deepak S. Mohale

Abstract :

Our skin is the body’s externallayer, spanning around 1.8 m2 and acting as the first link for defense againstexternal illnesses and poisons. In addition to drop loss of water and aidingwith body thermoregulation, the skin has an important action in homeostasis. Theskin’s structure and cellular composition work together to stop infections andcope with physical and chemical stresses from the outside environment. Thisarticle discusses the involvement of structural cells in barrier immunity, suchas keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and adipocytes. We also debate specializedimmune cells found in steady-state skin, such as mononuclear phagocytes likeLangerhans cells, dermal macrophages, and dermal dendritic cells, in additionto resident memory T cells. As people age, they are more likely to get cancerand skin diseases. The epidermis and dermis shrink, water loss increases, andcollagen and elastin break down as we age. The immunological makeup of the skinhas also changed, with fewer Langerhans cells, weaker antigen-specificimmunity, and more regulatory populations, such as Foxp3+ regulatory T cells.The elderly have weaker barrier immunity as a result of these changes, which mayexplain why they are more susceptible to cancer and infections.

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