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Bergenin: Isolation from aqueous extract of Bergenia ciliata, antioxidant activity and in silico studies

Volume No : (2020) Volume: 08 Issue : 37 Year : 2020 Page No: 10-13

Authors : Kotagiri Ravikanth, Shubhangi Mehra, Bhaskar Ganguly, Sameer Sapra

Abstract :

Aim: Isolation of bergenin from Bergenia ciliata, evaluation for antioxidant activity, and docking studies.

Materials and Methods: Column chromatography was performed for the isolation of bergenin from B. ciliata aqueous extract and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance. Antioxidant activity of bergenin was assessed by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and docking studies of bergenin were performed against molecular targets relevant to urinary ailments.

Results: The phenolic nature of bergenin improves solubility in aqueous solution; isolation of bergenin from aqueous extract was performed by column chromatography and purified bergenin was evaluated for antioxidant activity using DPPH assay. It was showing mild-to-moderate antioxidant action, whereas docking studies of bergenin against pathogens target showing good ligand-binding interaction.

Conclusion: Isolation of bergenin from aqueous extract was reported 1st time and showing mild-to-moderate antioxidant action. Moreover, docking studies of bergenin against different pathogens show promising ligandbinding interaction. 

Keywords: Antioxidant, Bergenia ciliata, bergenin, characterization, docking studies, isolation

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