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Study of hematological and biochemical profile in patients with alcoholic liver disease in rural Maharashtra

Volume No : (2019) Volume: 07 Issue : 34 Year : 2019 Page No: 27-30

Authors : Vedant Rajendraprasad Awasthi, Janhavi Jaywant Deshpande, Pawar Sujata

Abstract :

Background: Alcoholism is condition ensuing from excess drinking of beverages that contain alcohol.
The main health risk of alcoholism includes liver disease, heart disease, pancreatitis, central nervous
system disorders and certain forms of cancer. Alcohol will be manifested in liver injury from fibrosis to
end stage of cirrhosis and should eventually result in liver cancer. The progression of alcoholic disease
is characterised by steatosis, inflammation, necrosis and cirrohosis.

Aim: To study of hematological and biochemical profile in patients with alcoholic liver disease.
Methodology: The prospective hospital-based case control study was done at Pravara Rural Hospital and Medical College, Loni from
September 2013 to September 2015. A total of 100 cases of alcoholic liver disease were included.

Results: Hematological abnormalities reveals that Anemia (hemoglobin <13 g/dL), MCV >96fl fl and platelet count <150,000/mm3 were present in 75%, 42% and 62% patients, respectively. Raised
SGOT seen in 84% of the patients. Followed by raised prothrombin time seen in 79% of the patients. Raised PT-INR levels seen in 68% patients. And raised SGPT in 63% of patients. Hypoalbuminemia
seen in 57% of the alcoholics and raised bilirubin seen in 50% of alcoholics.

Conclusion: The present study it was concluded that various hematological parameters changed due to alocoholic liver disease.

Keywords: Alcoholic liver, biochemical, hematological

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